Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Multiple Sclerosis

HI. I thought I would create a new blog about My Multiple Sclerosis and My Life. (Since the other one is not working)

I was diagnosed with Relapse Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in 2005.
It was the hardest time of my life.
I have never been so alone!!

I was having headaches and my tongue was numb and I thought I was coming down with Bell's Palsy again.  So my so called boyfriend at the time was working, so he said, and I drove myself to the hospital.
After testing, a nurse telling me they thought I had cancer, the drugs they gave me that looped me up, and some girl calling my phone and telling me my boyfriend was cheating and lying to me....I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

Mind you, I had no clue what MS was at all.  And the way they explain it to you in the hospital, I was scared to death!!
I had no health insurance. I had no clue how I was going to pay a hospital bill and the drugs needed to control this disease. My now ex boyfriend was still living at my apartment bringing home girls, which to this day he denies, but I have witnesses. And I still drugged up and scared.  My mom lives in Ocala which is about 3 hours from Winter Park where I lived. So I was in the hospital all alone.

My mom did end up coming and staying with me for a week when I was finally discharged from the hospital.

Wow..this is long!!
Well just to say that it has been a struggle. First being on the Disease Modifying Drug Copaxone, that did not work for me but kept sending ne to the hospital with relapse after relapse. I finally after a year found a DDMD called Rebif.
I will tell you how I found this DDMD in my next blog.
But I am finally doing well and happy.

Ok, well this is enough. I am tired. I will write about my adventure to Rebif in my next blog.

Have a great night!!

Oh, and anyone that can relate, by all means, comment!!


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